Benefits of Coffee

What’re the benefits of coffee?

– It reduces the risk of depression in women. …

– Protects the brain. …

– It reduces the risk of prostate cancer. …

– It prevents the most common skin cancer. …

– Protects against type 2 diabetes. …

– It reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease. …

– It strengthens the immune system. …

– It’s good for headaches.

A healthy and balanced diet plays a very important role in reducing the likelihood of catching diseases. Some foods containing many antioxidants and bioactive components provide very important health benefits. One of the best known of these is coffee. Coffee, whose positive effects on health have been known for many years, is a valuable food that healthy people should consume regularly.

Coffee, which was used as a medicine in the past, has the property of preventing some diseases and is still good for many diseases today.

Benefits of coffee

Coffee helps to improve general health, especially mental and cognitive functions. It also prevents many diseases. It has effects such as opening the mind, increasing alertness and energy levels, and increasing vitality.  Coffee is one of the foods that’s often the subject of scientific research into its benefits and effects on disease. Coffee, which is widely consumed as a beverage both in our country and around the world, is also a plant species that’s often used in skin care products. Here are some of the main health benefits of coffee…

– Increases energy levels and strengthens intelligence.

The abundant caffeine in coffee mixes quickly with the blood and reaches the brain after consumption. By inhibiting (blocking) the neurotransmitter adenosine, which is produced here and causes drowsiness, it increases alertness and boosts energy levels. In this way, it prevents the fatigue felt during the day. It also increases work efficiency and concentration by opening the mind. Thanks to this effect on the brain, there are many scientific studies that show that coffee also improves mood, memory, reaction time and cognitive functions in general.

– Accelerates fat burning

Coffee is a very valuable food that can help people who want to lose their excess weight to achieve this goal. This is because it significantly increases the metabolic rate, thus accelerating fat burning. Coffee, which helps to break down fats in the body and use the resulting free fatty acids for energy, has a calorie content close to zero when drunk neat, despite these positive effects. For this reason, healthy people dieting to lose weight can drink 2 cups of black coffee per day to support their diet and accelerate their weight loss.

– Increases physical performance

The caffeine in coffee causes a significant increase in the production of the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline). This is a hormone that increases in situations of fear and excitement and prepares the human body for intense physical exertion. Bu sayede kahve tüketiminden sonra fiziksel performansta önemli bir artış gözlemlenir.Aynı zamanda yağ yakımını hızlandırdığı için vücudun egzersiz için ihtiyaç duyduğu enerji seviyesinin artmasına yardımcı olur. Spor aktiviteleri veya fitness ile ilgilenen sağlıklı kişiler için spor salonuna gitmeden yaklaşık yarım saat önce sade kahve içmek faydalıdır.

– Contains important micronutrients

Kahve, besin değeri yüksek bir içecektir ve değerli mikro besinler içerir. Bir fincan kahve; Günlük riboflavin (B12 vitamini) ihtiyacının %11’ini, günlük pantotenik asit (B5 vitamini) ihtiyacının %6’sını, manganez ve potasyum minerallerinin günlük ihtiyacının %3’ünü ve günlük ihtiyacın %2’sini karşılar. manganez ve niasin (B3 vitamini). Yani sağlıklı olduğu kadar besleyici de diyebiliriz.

– It protects against Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia diseases.

Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia are neurodegenerative diseases that are common in people over 65 years of age worldwide. Healthy nutrition and regular consumption of certain foods are much more important than many other diseases for these diseases for which there is no definite cure. It is very effective in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Those who consume coffee regularly have a 65% chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The probability of getting Parkinson’s disease is 30-60%.

-It is protective against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Coffee is a food with a very high antioxidant content. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, the risk of developing many types of cancer is significantly reduced in people who consume coffee regularly. Coffee, which prevents uncontrolled proliferation by preserving its cell structure, protects against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

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