Our Story

Leo's Cafe History

Over a
Hundred Years
For over 100 years,

Our shop has been serving food, especially breakfast. It has never been closed other than restoration periods.

Its owner changed a few time but each time, it has been renewed as a café that has outlasted its time.

During this period of more than 100 years, the shop was known as Leo's Cafe. The shop' name continued as Leo's Cafe to keep the spirit of the place alive.

Last 10 years adventure of our place with Can Chef.

In Leo’s Cafe, we faithfully approach the experience, culture and spirit of the place. Together with the chef, we try to keep the tradition alive and serve in harmony with the memory of the place.

Spirit of Art, Aesthetic

We have set our business approach to be always fresh, delicious and quality foods as well as  satisfying our customers while serving in keeping with the spirit of Stoke Newington – Dalston. Therefore, we look forward to bringing our positive energy to the everyday life, the vibrant social fabric, the art – the aesthetics – the enjoyment and vibrancy of Stoke’s culture.

We would like to offer you a delicious and productive short break during the day.

We will be happy to feel that we can help you refresh yourself. For this joyful purpose, we open our door every morning.

Every evening, we are seeking the ways will improve the standards of Leo’s Cafe.

Finally, we prepare ourself for the next day with the pleasure of providing our guests the best – fastest – most satisfying service we can offer, both in terms of cost and quality.

In this 100 years old shop, you will see that we do our work with love and passion while we are providing a fast, delicious, high quality and satisfying service. To seeing a smiling face and happy feelings on you, we always work with a smile while we prepare your order.

Do people cry in Leo’s Cafe?  But why is that? Why is that?

Sometimes this smile of our customers changes. We find our customers when they are almost crying because their orders are very delicious, but they are about to finish  their food. Of course, they can place another order but it can be a problem for them since they have no more place to eat. You are invited to cry.. Uppsss! No no nooooo.. Off course not 🙂

You are always welcome  to smile. Take a short break to laugh and refresh yourself Leo’s Cafe for your fast best break.

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